08 July 2010


A couple weeks ago, I decided to step up and create some goals for myself. This is supposed to just be general goals, like New Years Resolutions, but not such a big deal. I wanted to have more direction in my life and get something accomplished: to feel like I’ve done something.

Goal: Write everyday, at least 500 words (in a story).
Progress: Not so good. I have to goal, and it perhaps gets me writing when I otherwise wouldn’t.
New Goal: Write 3 days a week, 1500 words (in a story or stories).
Outlook: Good, brings down the goal to a more reasonable level that I can reach much easier.

Goal: Go to the gym at least 4 times a week.
Progress: Much harder than I thought. Before making this goal that about the amount I went. Doing alright though.
New Goal: Go to the gym at least twice a week.
Outlook: I’ve been going twice a week. This shouldn’t be hard. Since cutting my calories, it’s been a lot harder to go than I anticipated.

Goal: Diet for 15 weeks to lose a total of 30 pounds.
Progress: Excellent. This is the goal I’m working very hard on, and one that I’m holding dearly onto.
New Goal: No new goal.
Outlook: Excellent. I’m on track, and perhaps a touch ahead.

Goal: Perform yoga everyday at least 30 mins.
Progress: Week one was the best week and I did that three times.
New goal: Perform yoga once a week for about 30 mins.
Outlook: May get some getting used to. Should pick a day and stick to it.

Short Term Goals

These are the goals I’ve set deadlines for, like a To Do list, but a bit different. It gives me time to get them done, and maybe more.

Goal: Finish 3 short stories for my MFA application by July 15.
Progress: The stories have been finished, but they need editing. I know what I need to do for each story.
Outlook: Decent. Plans to work on one this evening.

Goal: Study for the GRE (July 22)
Progress: I studied for this test last year a lot, so I don’t feel like I need to do tons of studying, just polish up.
Outlook: I have a least a week to dedicate. If I miss this goal, I still have time.

Goal: Finish up my Creative Writing Series (prep work)
Progress: I have four classes down, and finished. I need to decide what else to cover and then finish those.
Outlook: Should be easy enough to do. Each workshop takes about 2-3 hours to prepare (or so).

I’m sharing my goals so that I have people who can hold me accountable. I’ve had low energy due to the diet that I’m on (as I’m trying to lose a significant amount of weight) and that has been a strain on the amount my brain can handle. It’s not an excuse as much as it is a concession to the limits of my body. As I’ve said before, the body/mind/spirit is all one, not separate pieces. I can no more separate my mind from my body, nor my spirit from either. As my body has less energy to run on, my mind therefore has less energy to run on.

I admit, I’m dieting for vanity as much as health. Who doesn’t want to look good? I know that I’d rather have a flat stomach than a pudgy one. And while I’m dieting for vanity in equal proportions as for health, my health is important to me as well. I believe that inner health deeply affects outward appearance. If we are healthy we look better than if we are unhealthy. So the two are tied together. As I strive towards a healthy life, necessarily my weight must come to a more acceptable level. Many of my friends tell my I’m fine in my weight. I disagree. I’m carrying around about 20-25 extra pounds and that changes the way my body deals with stress and health. I’m at 20-21% body fat. That’s considered overweight (and therefore I fit the American standard), and I’d ideally like to be around 10% which is a lot healthier. I don’t want to be 5% thats still in a healthy range, but not where I’d like to be. /ramble

Goals are goal, and often need to be re-evaluated over their course so that instead of becoming overwhelmed with inability, I can change them so that I can achieve at least part of the original goal. And after time, I can change them to be more strenuous instead of more lenient. Always, the most important goal to me will decide what other goals have to go. Maybe me having goals will help you have goals, or help you. Who knows. Anyways, have a wonderful and safe weekend!


Kathy said...

I would love to help with your goal of yoga. I have tried it in the past and find it very comforting and very relaxing. So if you ever want some company, I'll come over and you can teach me until I get to your level! :) Love You!!!!!

DANIEL said...

I have lots of goals too but the outcomes are horrible. Your outcomes are way better than mine. Maybe it's because you put forth more effort into achieving your goals than I did :) I'm a big procrastinator so goals may not be helpful at all :P Keep up the good work