02 January 2012


I went on several dates this last week, and planned other that got moved, but one went exceptionally well, and I wasn’t annoyed at the guy at all—surprise, surprise! And of course, I think the postponement went well, when I gave my expectations and thoughts up front. I know, bad me right? Well, here we go...

1) Always be respectful and courteous (this holds true in every type of relationship).

2) Be truthful.

3) Set and time and place if asking another.

4) Know what you expect, and let the other person know as well—it could save hurt feelings.

5) Don’t be afraid to ask for what you want. If no is the answer, accept that.

Well, I could go on, but I think, upon further reflection, that point 1 brings up everything. In my, albeit limited, experience, that one truth always seems to make the difference. If I’m being respectful, I’m being truth, I’m asking or setting times and place, finding expectations, etc.

One last one:

Do what works for you. If you feel you have to “train” dates, train by example. Show them how you want to be treated and everything will go as smoothly as possible.

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